NSW Victims Services

Sadly many people have been victims of crime in NSW and have had to endure the devastating effects it has on their lives. As an Accredited NSW Victims Services Counsellor I can provide services to people who have been approved to receive counselling. I provide an individual approach to suit your needs, as each person who is affected by crime will experience it differently than another.

These services include domestic and family violence, childhood abuse, being attacked and much more. Once a person has been approved they will have access to 22 sessions of ongoing counselling as needed. A treatment plan will be drawn up in the first few sessions so we can continue to work on what is important for you in relation to the trauma you have experienced.

This service can also include a report to NSW Victims Services for compensation as required, if this is needed please inform me early on. After this we continue to work in managing and overcoming the effect this has had on your life in different areas. No one can ever undo what was done, instead I take an approach that aims to build on your strengths as an individual and promotes personal growth and resilience in overcoming and managing the after effects of trauma and crime on your life.

If you qualify for these counselling services please contact me to discuss your specific needs and to make sure we are a match for one another.

NSW Victims Services

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More about Us

I entered the field of mental health after going through my own experiences a number of years ago. This created a passion to begin assisting others as I found it difficult to find and connect with professionals who didn’t get nor attempted to take the time to listen to and understand my story.

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